The subteams of ACM AUTh Student Chapter aim to engage their members with a subject of Computer Science and to deepen in it. Under the guidance of experienced coordinators, the teams operate in an atmosphere of intense collaboration and communication with the ultimate goal of acquiring and exchanging knowledge and experiences.

ACM-W AUTh has as a goal to showcase the work of women in Computer Science through organizing events like speed mentorships and workshops.

Do you enjoy creating automations? Do you use Discord on your free time and want to upgrade your experience with something you’ll build on your own? The Bot Development team is the place to be!

Do you have a bright idea for an application, but you don’t know where to start? At the App Prototyping team we turn our ideas to reality!

Do you play video games? Would you like to participate in the development of an electronic game? Then, the Game Dev team is for you!

Websites: a must for any business, person, organization, service. You, too, can deal with this area, as all kinds of developers are needed to get a decent result.

ACM AUTH ML aims to bring together those interested in machine learning in order to explore its key concepts and trends.

Are you interested in learning what hacking is in the real world? Do the words vulnerability research, exploitation, penetration testing arouse your curiosity? Maybe the Security team is what you are looking for.

The aim of the team is to learn, but also to develop useful mobile applications, through a friendly and team environment.

The Problem Solving team welcomes any new member who is looking to develop their algorithmic way of thinking, know better basic data structures and face problems from code forces, HackerRank etc.

This year, the ACM AUTh Robotics Team will dive into the world of robotic simulations in order to worthily replace the hands-on experience.