Meet ACM 2021

Are you a fan of technology? Are you fascinated by computer science or looking for pleasant ways to develop your knowledge and skills in the field of information technology? ACM AUTh is what you are looking for! Come and meet one of the most active computer science teams in Thessaloniki, Read more…

Campus Tour

Is this your first year at the School of Informatics of Aristotle University or you did not have the chance to see the campus last year? Come to the campus tour organized by ACM AUTH, to get to know your new academic environment, amphitheaters, classrooms, and various other places, where Read more…

Ethics in AI: A Challenging Task

In the first part we cover current specific challenges: (1) discrimination (e.g., facial recognition, justice, sharing economy, language models); (2) phrenology (e.g., biometric based predictions); (3) unfair digital commerce (e.g., exposure and popularity bias); and (4) stupid models (e.g., Signal, minimal adversarial AI). These examples do have a personal bias but set the context for the second part where we address four generic challenges: (1) too many principles (e.g., principles vs. techniques), (2) cultural differences (e.g., Christian vs. Muslim); (3) regulation (e.g., privacy, antitrust) and (4) our cognitive biases. We finish discussing what we can do to address these challenges in the near future.

Bot Detection in Online Social Networks

How can social bots be detected in today’s online mistrusted platforms?
Prof.Vakali will reveal crucial research outcomes in the battle against social bots “in the wild”. Social bots detection under interpretable and responsible AI methods will be showcased, to open ideas and dialogues for effective online disinformation services.

Introduction to Self-Driving Cars

Autonomous driving is one of the greatest challenges of our times. Big companies, researchers, and designers of modern cities are drawn towards autonomous vehicles. In this presentation, we’ll initially go through the basic principles that apply in each stage of autonomous driving and then we’ll have a look at NVIDIA’s autonomous driving model. By using Udacity’s open-source simulator as a guide, we will describe the stages of training an autonomous driving system, while applying the deep neural network architecture as proposed by NVIDIA.

Intro to Databases

Databases are one of the longer lasting and most widespread ways to store data in a computer. The growing complexity of information made the formal design and modeling of the databases mandatory. This workshop will introduce participants to database design techniques, as well as data structuring and access. The hands-on Read more…